Error Codes

Most errors from the NFTPort API include an error code: a machine-readable code with a brief explanation.

Below is a list of possible error codes, along with additional information about how to resolve them.

To debug the API calls you have made recently, you can see a log of API calls you have made in the dashboard.

Status codeError codeExplanation
401authorization_missingYour request is missing an API key. Add your API key to the Authorization: header. You can find your API key in the dashboard.
401invalid_api_keyYou're using an incorrectly formatted API key. Make sure the key is formatted as a valid UUID.
403invalid_credentialsThe API key you're using does not correspond to any NFTPort account. Check if you're using the correct API key. You can find your API key in the dashboard.
403account_suspendedYour API key is valid but your account is suspended. Please reach out to NFTPort support for more information.
Request validation
422invalid_addressYou provided an invalid address. Check that the wallet and contract addresses you're sending are valid EVM addresses.
422chain_not_supportedThis chain is not supported for this endpoint. Check which features are support for each chain.
422invalid_dateYou provided an invalid date. Check that you're providing valid ISO-formatted date.
422invalid_continuation_stringYou provided an invalid continuation string. Make sure you're using the correct continuation string you received from a previous request.
422page_number_not_supportedPaging by page number is not supported for this endpoint. Switch to using continuation strings.
422value_errorYou provided an invalid value. See error message for details.
422invalid_enumerationYou provided an invalid choice for a parameter. See error message for list of allowed values.
422parameter_missingThe request is missing a required parameter. See error message for details and please make sure the parameter is present.
422invalid_typeYou provided a value of invalid type. See error message for details.
422invalid_urlYou provided an invalid URL. Make sure the input you provided is a valid URL.
422invalid_file_typeThe input file type you provided is not supported. See error message for supported file types.
422invalid_attribute_valueYou provided an invalid NFT metadata attribute value. See error message for details.
422invalid_token_idYou provided an invalid token ID. See error message for details.
422invalid_token_quantityYou provided an invalid token quantity. Make sure the token quantity is a positive integer.
422invalid_transaction_hashYou provided an invalid transaction hash. Check that you're providing a correctly formatted transaction hash.
422request_too_largeThe request contains too much data to write onto the blockchain in one request. Please reduce the number of tokens in your request.
Hitting account limits and quotas
403mint_limit_exceededYou've reached the maximum number of NFTs possible to mint on your account (in this billing period). Please see Quotas or check your usage in the dashboard.
403contract_limit_exceededYou've reached the maximum number of contracts possible to deploy on your account (in this billing period). Please see Quotas or check your usage in the dashboard.
403transaction_limit_exceededYou've reached the maximum number of transactions possible to make on your account (in this billing period). Please see Quotas or check your usage in the dashboard.
429too_many_requestsToo many requests hit the API too quickly. Make your requests at a lower rate. See Rate limits.
Other client errors
400invalid_requestThe request you made was invalid. Please see error message for a description of the problem.
400contract_not_supportedThe contract does not support the action you requested. Check which actions are disabled on your contract, deploy a new contract, or reach out to NFTPort support.
400failed_to_fetch_fileWe failed to fetch the URL you supplied. Please make sure the URL is correct and a file is available at this URL.
400too_many_filesYou attempted to upload more files in a single request than the endpoint allows. Please reduce the number of files in your request.
400transaction_failedThe transaction (e.g. contract deployment) failed. Please retry the transaction.
403forbiddenThis action is forbidden on this resource. Please see error message for details.
404not_foundThe requested resource was not found. Make sure your request parameters are correct.
404transaction_pendingThe transaction is not yet recorded on chain. Please check again in a few seconds.
405method_not_allowedYou attempted to use a HTTP method the endpoint doesn't support (e.g. made a GET request to a POST-only endpoint). Make sure you're using the correct method.
Server errors (see NFTPort status)
500internal_server_errorAn unexpected error occurred when processing your request. Please reach out to NFTPort support.
502bad_gatewayAn external service returned an error, causing your request to fail. Please reach out to NFTPort support.
503too_many_pending_transactionsDue to high load, there are too many on-chain transactions queued. Please try again shortly or reach out to NFTPort support.
503gas_price_too_highDue to high gas fees on the network, your request was rejected. Please try again when gas fees are lower or reach out to NFTPort support.